Amedisys Home Health Care

Amedisys Home Health Care

Amedisys Home Health Care is a leading provider of in-home healthcare with over 30 years of experience. Today, the agency serves over 415,000 patients every year. It has a team of roughly 16,000 members who provide quality care across the United States. 

Amedisys offers three main services categories, including:

Home Health Care

The agency’s home health care service helps people remain safely at home. It allows individuals to live independently when recovering from surgery, injury, or illness. 

Based on each person’s clinical needs, a team of specialists will provide health care services ranging from home health aides and skilled nursing to physical therapies and occupational therapies. All focused on empowerment, recovery, and maximizing independence.

Hospice Care

This service aims to provide quality of life and dignity at home for people living with a life-limiting illness. It focuses on the whole person – combining medical care, support for emotional and spiritual needs, and resources and support for family members and caregivers.

Personal Care 

Amedisys personal care offersspecially trained nurses and caregivers available from one to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This type of service is available exclusively in Massachusetts and small areas like Jacksonville, Florida, and Knoxville, Tennessee. 

Here, the staff will personally visit the client and his/her family members to discuss the most beneficial and cost-effective service needed. 

Additionally, Amedisys offers specialized programs such as:

  • Palliative Care — the main goals of palliative care are helping patients feel better and improving their quality of life. It is designed to help patients and families manage chronic illnesses such as cancer, dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and more. 
  • Heart Failure Program— the agency’s home health care team will work with doctors to help individuals manage heart failure symptoms and reduce hospitalization chances. 
  • COPD Program — at-home care for individuals living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
  • Fall Reduction Program — providing expert health care where most elderly falls happen in the home. The goal is to mitigate risk factors and empower patients’ strength. 

Additional Information:


  • 3854 American Way, Suite A
  • Baton Rouge, LA 70816