Jimmy Buffett retirement community

Jimmy Buffett retirement community

The Jimmy Buffett retirement community is a retirement community filled with unique individuals looking for an adventurous and luxurious retirement after living a long life working. The locations have been named Latitude Margaritaville and were designed to look like a real-life Margaritaville for retirees in their 60s.

The Jimmy Buffett retirement community has three locations in two different states; North Carolina and Florida. These two states are known for their long sandy beaches that stretch for many miles. Even when residents of the community are not participating in the events and activities held, they are still enjoying the scenic views. Although both locations are hundreds of miles away from each other, there are many similarities.

For instance, both of these locations are modeled and created to feel like a tropical paradise away from the stressors of life.

The Jimmy Buffett retirement community’s amenities

This community has many amenities and activities for all of its residents. The activities range from mild and relaxing to adventurous and entertaining. Not many retirement communities have created their communities to mirror luxury and resort-style living and yet the Jimmy Buffet retirement community has excelled.

Residents in this community can enjoy activities that allow them to be active and healthy. Not every retiree is looking for exercise and activities catered to health, however.

This is why there are also activities and special events that can be independent.

For example, in the Jimmy Buffett retirement communities, there are shopping centers which include local grocery stores and private retail shops.

Social Activities offered

For individuals looking for social interaction after retirement, this community is perfect. Latitude Margaritaville has various restaurants and bars spread throughout the community. In these restaurants and bars are menus that are styled after Margaritaville, which includes happy hour events and delicious drinks. For retirees looking to find friends and connections after retirement, these locations are great!

Outdoor/Active activities offered

While not all retirees and residents enjoy being outside, many of the activities offered in this Jimmy Buffett community are outdoors and encourage an active lifestyle. These activities include swimming in the resort-style pools, playing outdoor lawn games with the other residents, and various tennis courts open to everyone.